
Do you wonder what your community does to be kind to each other? Help each other? Show Acts of Kindness? Look at what other communities are doing, and see how you can support yours in innovative and useful ways.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Please join with us in sending out a message of Hope from the Heart!

We the undersigned believe that governments make treaties, but individuals make Peace. We come from different nations, different races, different faiths and different socio-economic backgrounds; but we recognize that we are all connected by our shared Humanity. We see our differences as superficial and our similarities as manifest. Permanent Peace can only be achieved when we start from our common ground and expand out, not from a position of our differences and work inward.

Every action can spread like a ripple to have far-reaching consequences. This petition is a pebble in a pond. We have each made a personal commitment to Peace. WE BELIEVE that together, Peace will prevail.

Petition Text

I BELIEVE that each individual has the power to change the world

I BELIEVE that every Action we take can ripple out farther than we realize

I BELIEVE that ordinary people can do extraordinary things

I BELIEVE that Compassion is stronger than hatred

I BELIEVE that Knowledge is stronger than ignorance

I BELIEVE that Understanding is stronger than fear

I BELIEVE that it is possible to see through another's eyes if you try

I BELIEVE that each of us is connected by our shared Humanity

I BELIEVE that our similarities are more important than our differences

I BELIEVE that all individuals have a right to dignity and respect

I BELIEVE that you should do unto others as you would like others to do unto you

I BELIEVE that Hope is stronger than despair

I BELIEVE that every Random Act of Kindness makes this world a better place

I BELIEVE that while governments make treaties, individuals make Peace

I BELIEVE that it is possible to change the Path you are traveling

I BELIEVE that each individual must make a conscious decision to choose Peace

I BELIEVE that you have to lead by example

I BELIEVE that Peace Will Prevail

I BELIEVE that together, we can Heal the Heart of Humanity


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